My thought is that we will always have some form of traditional eLearning. Corporations and other more conservative entities will take a long time to let go of the traditional way of doing eLearning.Well, it looks like that time may be coming sooner rather than later. The contract I was working on has not been renewed, no great surprise in this economy, but disappointing none-the-less. Especially since we did support business goals and did provide a service that would have the potential to draw in more customers, meaning we did have the potential to make an impact on the bottom line. The groups we worked with knew that, but the decision-makers didn't get that far. They just saw "contract training group" and that was that. So be it. It is the way of the consultant to be the first to go.
But there will be places where change is welcomed; where the traditional way just won't work anymore. I guess that's where I'll be headed when the time comes, whenever and wherever that may be.
Now it's time to look more closely at the options, become even more involved in where I want to go and see where I wind up. It's still pretty scary, like jumping off a bridge scary, but sometimes you have to take big risks to get where you need to go. So, with some trepidation, but also some anticipation, I look forward to what I'll find in the next few weeks, because those of us that look to the future already know...
The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet.
- William Gibson
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